Strata Services

  • Financial Record Keeping
  • Accounting
  • Tax Returns and WCB
  • Fee Collection
  • Budgeting and Financial Planning
  • Communications
  • Council Meetings
  • AGM Meetings
  • Special General Meetings
  • Emergency Service
  • Repairs and Maintenance
  • Insurance and Appraisals
  • Record Keeping
  • Legal Services
  • Bylaws
  • Records Office
  • Correspondence

Rental Services

  • Managing The Rental Property And Tenant
  • Marketing And Advertising Your Property
  • Showing The Rental Property To Prospective Tenants
  • Screening And Placing The Tenant
  • Preparing The Rental Lease And Collecting Security Deposit
  • Preparing The Form K
  • Collect And Depositing Monthly Rent
  • Pay Approved Expenses On Owner's Behalf
  • Provide The Owners With Monthly Financial Statements
  • Prepare Tenant Notices For Arrears Rent Evictions As Per The BC Tenancy Act
  • Arrange Maintenance And Repairs

Types Of Properties

  • Town Houses
  • Apartment Buildings
  • Condo Buildings
  • Bareland Stratas
  • Commercial Buildings
  • Detached Homes